Blender Sales!

Welcome to Blender Babes! Our Mission and Promise To YOU!

Welcome to Blender Babes

Do you want to improve your health, eat more whole foods and use your blender to make smoothies and so much more?

You don’t have a ton of extra time and need recipes that are quick and easy to make?

Then you have come to the right place!

Blender Babes offers more than just healthy smoothie recipes! We also share share recipes and tips for creating meals, snacks, desserts, and more – that you can make quickly and easily with your blender.

Blender Babes actively promotes wellness and healthier living, and we are committed to being a supportive environment for you on your personal health journey.

Hi, my name is Tarashaun, and I’m the founder of Blender Babes. I welcome you to my site! I’d like to share with you the story of how Blender Babes was born with a bit of my health story. See the video below.

In the past, I struggled with thinking obsessively about food. I wasn’t passionate about my job and was very unhappy.

I would use food I loved to help me feel better…

I struggled to find peace in a chaotic mind.

Back then I believed I was unworthy of love. This expressed itself in the form of bulimia, extremely low self-esteem and body dysmorphia.

I knew what I was doing to myself was a problem, but I didn’t know how to fix it.

I was on my own for the first time in a long time. I came across a book entitled “The Secret” – and it made me aware of my thoughts and how negative they were. I began reading many more spiritual books and started to meditate.

As I my consciousness grew, I made the decision to stop acting out with my eating disorder – and for the first time, I followed through with it.

I felt like my life was starting over.

I started reading everything I could about healthy living and changed my eating habits. I ate things that nourished my body and mind; foods that made me feel good.

Health gurus touted juicers as the best tool for healthy living. So I began researching which one was right for me.

And then I came across a high-powered blender demonstration at my local warehouse store.

I was AMAZED at all the many things this powerful machine could do – it was so much more versatile than a juicer AND I could also juice with it!

I bought one and never looked back. Shortly thereafter, I became a roadshow demonstator all across California, and helped hundreds of people make the decision to invest in their health as well.

Then, I came up with the Blender Babes concept so I could share recipes and how-to videos with the people I met to help them use their new blender to make more than just smoothies and live a lifestyle of “healthy not skinny.”

2 years later, went live!

Then I realized that I could do much more than just provide recipes and be a “food blogger.” I could help other people change their current habits and learn to live healthier – both with their bodies and their minds.

Since then I have created and hosted many free smoothie challenges for my blending-loving tribe!

I’ve also created a super simple whole foods 7-day cleanse utilizing any kind of blender – that detoxes your body AND mind and I’ve helped hundreds of people lose 5 (or more!) pounds, without starving, in just 1 week! 

Finally I began holistically health coaching women 1-1 and in small groups – including a comprehensive 12 week program to help people lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks.

Over the past 4 years, I have helped over 10,000 people decide which blender is right for them.

Now I am on a mission to reach 1 million people and help them choose the best blender for themselves AND use it to support their personal health journey.

I can’t wait to share these with you and help you LIVE HEALTHIER!

The reason I’m in business is to serve my tribe. I know what it’s like to feel lost and alone, and to struggle with health issues – both physical and mental ones.

I believe a good power blender is one of the best investments you can make in your health – and with the right programs and support, you can make real changes that last a lifetime.

Together, we can change, grow, and enjoy the process!

With Love, Good Health and Happy Blending!

P.S. The first step to a healthier lifestyle through food can seem like the hardest step, but at Blender Babes, we make taking the first step easy!! Be sure to subscribe!
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